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The Jogging Jeweler

The Jogging Jeweler #8

The Jogging Jeweler #8

The question was - Which crosswalk in Dobbs Ferry have you used and had vehicles not stop for you? It took people a matter of 20 seconds to answer and so far the results are as shown above.

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The Jogging Jeweler #7

The Jogging Jeweler #7

The Jogging Jeweler

| Mercy College |

Monday night I had the opportunity to speak with a Political Science class at Mercy College. I met an adjunct professor while attending a Rotary Club meeting. I was hoping the Mercy Rotaract could help the Chamber of Commerce create a survey or perhaps open a line of communication with Mercy students about their experiences as drivers, pedestrians, and residents in Dobbs Ferry. When I began discussing this he asked instead that I come speak to his students as he found my approach to the parking, traffic, and pedestrian safety issues to be impactful and a real-life scenario in which his students could learn from.

Take-aways from Mercy Students:

  1. The Old Croton Aqueduct is dark and in-usable to them in the evenings. This hints at a few things -  (a) they likely aren’t walking into town in the evenings, whether it is to visit local restaurants, cafes, stores, or friends which (b) it likely means they’re driving and parking on our streets. (c) They tried walking the OCA, it didn’t go well, but the interest to walk at night is there - so (d) if hypothetical solar powered lights were added, the path would likely get used by them, reducing traffic and parked cars in DF. 
  2. They acknowledged that there are even distracted and speeding drivers on their campus. Meaning that they understand the impact of having the ever-living life scared out of you by drivers not obeying the law. Which is important beucase it means they’re in touch with our reality. 
  3. They know just as little about Dobbs residents, as we know about them. This is not good and definitely needs to change. Mercy College is one of the largest non-profit properties in our community, we should know more of what they are doing, what events they are hosting, and how they want to help our community. The students overall were positive, had great questions, answers, and suggestions to how we as a community could solve the problems of pedestrian safety.

(Photo Credit: Nadia Fante)

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The Jogging Jeweler #6

The Jogging Jeweler #6

On today's run we witness what is a frequent sighting in the Rivertowns - pedestrians frantically crossing Broadway because it lacks crosswalks or has long wait times, as well as a rolling stop at the intersection of Cedar & Main St.

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The Jogging Jeweler #5

The Jogging Jeweler #5

8 cars passed without stopping as I inched further and further out into the road. The 9th car finally stopped to let me cross. This is the intersection of Broadway and Clinton/Oak in Dobbs Ferry.

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The Jogging Jeweler #4

The Jogging Jeweler #4

Overly excited to try out the GoPro that has been lent to me for this project, I went on my first trial run and was able to capture some good examples of pedestrian safety issues. See what I was able to capture on my trial run!

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The Jogging Jeweler #3

The Jogging Jeweler #3

I used to not run in the winter at all. To be clear, I strongly dislike all things winter. I eventually had a child, and to maintain my sanity found overcoming my long rooted hatred of winter running was needed for survival. Read more for how I win at winter running.

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The Jogging Jeweler #2

The Jogging Jeweler #2

The Rivertowns are based along the hillside of the Hudson River with sharp, blind turns, steeply graded hills, and many distracted and speedy drivers. In addition to my local experiences as a runner, I live along a major roadway with my jewelry studio facing a dangerous intersection that puts pedestrians and motorists lives at peril daily. And I’ve had enough.

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The Jogging Jeweler

The Jogging Jeweler

I'm a jeweler, but first and foremost, I'm a mom. A mom that runs and pushes her daughter in a jogging stroller. What occurs during my runs as well as at the intersection outside of my jewelry studio is sad, and frankly I'm sick of it. I am tired of blaring horns, swerving cars, screeching tires, blind corners, lack of crosswalks, broken sidewalks, unkempt trails, overgrown bushes, rolling stop, no blinkers, etc.

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