The Jogging Jeweler #4

The Jogging Jeweler
| Trial Run |
Overly excited to try out the GoPro that has been lent to me for this project, I went on my first trial run and was able to capture some good examples of pedestrian safety issues. The above video shows the corner of Walnut & Broadway that has no crosswalk, requires pedestrians to look at nearly 4 directions of potential oncoming traffic as well as a bit of a blind spot with the parked car just past the car shop.
This video shows the corner of Chestnut and Palisades in Dobbs that has no crosswalk and the vehicle to my left rolling the stop sign.
Corner of Elm & Broadway, typical scene along Broadway. Vehicles must pull past the stop signs, into the crosswalks, and nearly into oncoming traffic to see clearly. Hazardous for drivers & pedestrians, especially if the drivers are only looking one direction - and not both!
Corner of Palisades St & Station Plaza. The Metro Station has NO crosswalks for either street. — in Dobbs Ferry, New York.
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