The Jogging Jeweler #3

The Jogging Jeweler
| Winter Running |
I used to not run in the winter at all. To be clear, I strongly dislike all things winter. I eventually had a child, and to maintain my sanity found overcoming my long rooted hatred of winter running was needed for survival.
My tricks to managing Winter on my runs:
1. No Running in the Snow, slush, or ice!
I’ve been running for 18 years, I’ll run in the rain, in 20 degree weather, through a puddle, but I refuse to run in snow, slush, or ice. I have a hard enough time staying upright on non-slippery surfaces and I know the results of running in such conditions - twisted knees, a thrown back, and ultimately - no running.
2. Above 20 Degrees Please!
I’ll run in all temperatures, above 20 degrees that is. My eyes water and I can’t see - enough said.
3. Cover UP!
We all know our skin is the largest organ. I love my skin and make sure I am completely covered in the lower temps, especially in the wind or rain. You layer up walking to the train, do the same if it gets you out to run. I wear gloves, tall socks, 3-4 shirts, scarves, a hat, and sometimes even a balaclava. Before layering up, I recommend smearing a little coconut oil under eyes, across your knuckles, and on your lips for a little extra moisture and protection.
4. Wind & Rain
Wind - If the windchill makes it below 20, no bueno! Again - I love my skin, un-chapped.
Rain - A baseball cap is highly recommended for running in the rain, it keeps the rain from hit your face - except for that sideways kind of rain. Layer an ear warmer, hood, or balaclava over the top to protect your ears - the cold rain drops will sting. Again with coconut oil - helps the rain roll off your cheeks and gives you a great glow afterwards too.
Whatever it takes to keep you running safe and sound is 100% worth it - even if it means not running because conditions are awful!
(Photo Credit: Caroline Ivanov)
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