The Jogging Jeweler #9

The Jogging Jeweler
| 1st Run to Irvington, NY |
The first run to Irvington brought insight to the sidewalks of Broadway, coming from Dobbs Ferry to Irvington, NY. In this series of videos, we capture Broadway for what it is to pedestrians - an obstacle course - one that requires weaving in and out of large trees, holes, telephone poles, with curb-less sidewalks so narrow that a stroller does not fit. Not to mention the portion of sidewalk in such dis-repair that the curb looks like crumbling cookie and has begun to eat away at the sidewalk itself.
This video demonstrates one of the most dangerous sections of the sidewalk along Broadway. It is a sidewalk without a curb, so narrow that at the end of the video you will notice my stroller no longer stays on the sidewalk. This sidewalk leads to the road that Irvington's elementary school students use to walk to and from school.
After running, I specifically posted this video in the Facebook group page: 10533 (the area code specific to Irvington) and the amount of comments regarding this section of sidewalk was overwhelmingly supportive and acknowledging how dangerous this section of sidewalk is. The comments (anonymously) from Facebook are below:
- The sidewalk is so narrow there that I tell my #IrvingtonRunningMeetup members to tuck in their elbows. Good job videotaping!
- North Broadway is the same, up near Sunnyside! A sidewalk in name only.
- BTW one of the current Comprehensive Plan action topics is Broadway, and I was lucky enough to get the ear of Mayor Smith on just this topic. Also, NYDOT is undertaking a corridor study of the roadway from Sleepy Hollow to Hastings, so NOW is the time to be heard - spread the word! We're talkin' TWO sidewalks and bike lanes, folks...BE VOCAL. DOT is a glacier that doesn't move fast, but if you can steer its trajectory early, it will stay on track for a loooong time! **
- We used to live at Downingwood and would love to walk to school but truly felt that the sidewalk was incredibly dangerous...I would have my child hug the wall as he walked and I would walk beside him to create a barrier between him and the cars! The opposite side of the street offer NO sidewalk at all!
- It is in terrible condition. So many people use it every single day. The village patched a few spots years ago and left the rest. I should be replaced since it is used and enjoyed by so many.
- Running along parts of south Broadway is always scary when trucks or school buses are in the right hand lane. I don't think we need 2 sidewalks but one decent one would be great!
- I did this many times with my jogging stroller and haven't even tried it with my now three year old. Just too dangerous, and I'm on the side of Broadway with no sidewalk or crosswalk. Just have to wait for a break in traffic and run across 4 lanes.
** This comment is ABSOLUTELY correct - AND - it is the exact reason I began this blog - to make it clear our sidewalks are being used by locals, they are dangerous, and we want them fixed so our children may walk to school without concern of being run over!
This video captures the large trees, telephone poles, and holes (left by large trees that no longer exist) a pedestrian must weave in and out of. As seen in the video passage by two pedestrians along this stretch is impossible. The sidewalk is so narrow at certain points that the stroller must be held up to keep it from falling off the curb.
Wanna help? - Change will not happen if just one person [Me] is jumping up and down saying "Problem! Problem!". The more people saying that this is problem - the more likely it gets address.
- LIKE posts - because I share with local state reps.
- COMMENT - so when I share them, they'll read your comments and realize I'm not just some crazy, runner alone in my opinion; that our roads need safe crossings, sidewalks, and traffic flow.
- SHARE - because the more people that see it, the more likely they will like, comment, or share too!
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