The Jogging Jeweler #28

The Jogging Jeweler
|NEW POV for Dobbs Ferry Crosswalks |
This blog's readers amaze me!! Another reader sent in imagery of what crosswalks could look like in Dobbs Ferry. See images below - I'll discuss each as we go.
Location: Route 9 in front of Dobbs Ferry High School (DFHS)
- Multi-lane Route 9 offers pedestrians no safe haven when crossing
- Multi-lane Route 9 promotes higher speeds by drivers, they think it is a road - when actually it is a street coming through our villages.
- Drop-Off/ Pick-Up at DFHS causes traffic flow problems and pedestrian safety issues.
- Crosswalk locations are ill-placed and not enough.
- Add turn lanes.
- Add pedestrian refuge islands.
- Re-direct traffic flow in front of DFHS.
- More, better placed crosswalks.
Tackling the OCA
Location: Route 9 in Dobbs Ferry where the OCA crosses
- Multi-lane Route 9 offers pedestrians no safe haven when crossing
- Multi-lane Route 9 promotes higher speeds by drivers, they think it is a road - when actually it is a street coming through our villages.
- Crosswalk location is ill-placed and not enough.
- Coming from Hastings, the OCA is not visible, putting pedestrians at risk.
- Add pedestrian refuge islands.
- Extend curbs to reduce speeds & shorten distance crossed by pedestrians
- More, better placed crosswalks.
- Add blinking pedestrian crossing signal to indicate pedestrian usage.
Location: Elm where the OCA crosses
- OCA can not be seen by drivers.
- No crosswalk.
- Pedestrians can not see drivers & vice versa.
- Extend curbs to narrow road & slow drivers.
- Add a crosswalk.
- Extended curbs allow pedestrians visibility to oncoming traffic & drivers can see pedestrians.
Main St Area
Birds-Eye View of Elm Crosswalks
Street preview
Location: Elm St & Main St
- No crosswalk.
- Pedestrians can not see drivers & vice versa.
- Add a crosswalk.
- Extend curbs to shorten crossing distance.
- Extended curbs allow pedestrians visibility to oncoming traffic & drivers can see pedestrians.
An Overview of Needed Crosswalks
To demonstrate the entirety of all the crosswalks needed in the downtown area of Dobbs Ferry the following images demonstrate the locations crosswalks should be placed for optimal safety and higher levels of visibility of pedestrians.
Cedar Street
North End of Main Street + OCA crossings
South End of Main Street + OCA Crossings
All together now...
What can we do?
- See something you like?? about it! Share it on Facebook! Write the BOT, Mayor, Rivertowns Enterprise!
- Visualize....Convenient + Safe = More people walking = Village & local businesses thriving! So, before "Those pesky crosswalks take up parking" which I've heard a few (dozen) times...Realize some of our parking spaces are over-sized and can be slightly reduced to invest in the safety of our residents (think cute, small children) crossing the streets.
- About Route 9... COME to the meetings on June 15th & June 17th
- Wave... If a driver has stopped a short little hand raise to acknowledge & give thanks.
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