The Jogging Jeweler #18

The Jogging Jeweler
|The Old Croton Aqueduct Usage - Part 3.2 |
Welcome back for the second part of analyzing the results from the OCA Survey. The remaining two questions to be reviewed are...
How far do you travel on the OCA?
- 2-3 miles - 80 votes
- 3 - 5 miles - 72 Votes
- 1 mile - 51 Votes
- 5 - 7 miles - 33 Votes
- Adding up the higher mileage groups (2-7 miles) we have 185 users or 82.5% of users on the OCA for at least a one mile stretch - meaning a majority of users are traveling at least one direction for a mile and turning around.
What answers outside of those provide on the survey does this give us about the OCA?
- Using Dobbs Ferry, a central location for the Rivertowns, one mile on the OCA heading North gets you through Mercy College campus and just over the Irvington border. One mile South on the OCA from Dobbs Ferry, gets you into Hastings.
- Most likely users are on the OCA in more than one village - crossing multiple streets without crosswalks.
Why do you use the Old Croton Aqueduct?
This question "broke" about half through the survey, and had to be reset. Whomp! Whomp! The answers to this question are based off of 104 users. Do not despair, we have the recent tally to compare to the survey results.
- In this question users were allowed to select multiple answers as the OCA provides many different types of users - we had 104 users, and 191 answers.
- Walkers - 76 Answers
- Running - 46 Answers
- Dog Walking - 27 Answers
- Bicycling - 25 Answers
- School - 12 Answers
- Work - 5 Answers
Tally Vs. Survey
- Walkers dominate both the tally and survey.
- The survey results skewed lower for students as they most likely are not on the Facebook groups this survey was posted in - limiting their ability to provide answers.
- Dog Walkers in both the Survey and Tally, are similar, 12% and 14%, respectively.
- The Work group in the tally does not show as based on visuals it is difficult to know if someone is walking to and/or from work, unless they were to be specifically asked like in the survey.
- Runners & Bicycles both nearly doubled in the survey versus the tally.
What does this tell us? And how do we improve the OCA for any and all groups?
- Walking users are the OCA largest subset - Perhaps installing OCA entrance signs throughout the villages and/or village guides to indicate locations of attractions & needs.
- Dog walkers - Wonder if they are the subset that pushes higher on the frequency of use? Maybe adding trash cans so avoid dropped bags of pooh.
- Athletes - Runners/Bicycles - This tally likely changes with the weather - snow, ice, rain and mud likely create fair weather users in these subsets. Leveling out entrances where terrain meets road so there is no broken pavement or curbs to push bicycles and strollers over.
- Students - Based on the tally results, students are nearly 1/3 of all users - most likely during the school year and at times directly before/after school. Can we get some crosswalks for these kids?
Last time I checked - when you love something, you treat it nicely. Perhaps its time we ask that the OCA is shown some proper love?
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