The Jogging Jeweler #12

The Jogging Jeweler
| The OCA, Dobbs Ferry |
The Old Croton Aqueduct, running smack through the middle of Hastings, Dobbs, and Irvington and onwards, it is a New York State Park and has National Historic Landmark Status.
Problem: As seen in the video above, the OCA practically vanishes as it passes through Dobbs Ferry. There are no signs to suggest which way it may continue, as a pedestrian one assumes to continue onward traversing streets, through a parking lot, and an alley. There are NO crosswalks throughout downtown Dobbs Ferry to suggest that this trail, State Park technically speaking, is passing through and/or is a heavily used passage by dog-walkers, moms pushing strollers, runners, bikers, and local students.
Solution: There are several solutions for this issue. However I am going to identify two that can be easily tackled by the village to better identify the OCA as it crosses five of our downtown streets:
- Place signage on Cedar Street that reads - Pedestrian Zone. This is will identify to the drivers of vehicles that pedestrians have the right of way, that they as drivers are to expected to drive slowly and use caution.
- 5 Crosswalks on Cedar, Oak, Elm, Chestnust, & Walnut. In the exact spots that the OCA crosses our village roads. While the village has no ability to change the OCA (it is owned by NY state) it is completely within our village's rights and abilities to properly label, and create safe passages on our streets for pedestrians.
Did you know?
1. The cost of striped crosswalks range from approximately $100 to 2,100 each, or on average approximately $7 per square foot. A high visibility crosswalk can range from $600 to $5,700 each, or around $2,500 on average.
- Pedestrian & Bicycle Info Center
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