September - Sapphire

Sapphires are blue... Right?!?
Color - Blue - but what is uncommonly known is that sapphires actually come in a variety of colors! Colorless, pink, orange, yellow, green, purple, & black.
Name Meaning - you guessed it - BLUE, sharp-witted Greeks!
Countries of Origin - Most commonly - Australia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, & Thailand. Other countries: Brazil, Cambodia, China, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Montana (Yes - the good ol' US of A), Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Tanzania, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe.
Rarest Forms - Large Sapphires!
Interesting Tidbits -
- Until 1800 it wasn't realized that both Sapphires & Rubies are varieties of conundrums - which are made of aluminum (Al) oxide - Al2O3, however what gives the gems their color are traces of chromium or iron.
- That chemical formula explanation make your eyes roll? Conundrum is also my favorite summer wine!
- Largest Sapphire - "Star of India" 536 carats, cut
- Famous Sapphires - St. Edward & the Stuart, English Crown Jewels
- Star Sapphires - DO NOT exist! They are actually a doublet or engraved glass.
Schumann, Walter. 2009. Gemstones of the World. Sterling Publishing Co., New York.
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