Oops! Jewelry Accidents

Alice & Chains Jewelry Blog
| Jewelry with a story |
Jewelry can get boo-boos too. Sure your favorite ring is made from metal and stone, but that does not make it indestructible. The ring in the photo - I replaced the stone in the original setting and within two days it came back shattered. Washing your hands with soapy water, especially this time of year, will easily make your ring a flying projectile.
Great ways to hurt your rings:
- Dropping or accidentally smacking on a counter edge can crack a stone - yes, a diamond too. Stones, like people, have flaws and if struck correctly they'll shatter just the way we do when under immense pressure.
- Snagging your ring on a sweater or towel can bend prongs, loosening its grip on your stone causing the worst scenario of damage, one that can not be repaired - loss. I often tell clients - I can fix broken, but I can't fix lost.
- Wearing your ring while exercising - barre class, kettle bells, rowing, cycling will flatten bottoms, rings like butts are meant to be round. Skiing can bend a prong backwards, loosening a setting and stone. Oceans - they're cold and will shrink your finger, and with one wave suck your ring off.
But - I love my jewelry and want to wear it all the time!
That's great - especially if I made it for you! However, when we love something we give it the proper care its due to help its survival. Here's a list of things you should regularly do to care for your jewelry:
- Take it off - when you garden, wash dishes, sleep, and exercise.
- Safety First - put it in dish or box away from edges, sinks, toilets, heat registers, grabby little hands or cat paws.
- Insure - If Giselle insures her legs, you insure your jewelry. The ultimate, worst scenario is theft or loss. Those items can not be replaced - ever. And if they are not on your homeowners or renters insurance you'll never re-coup the heart-ache in dollars spent a second time to replace the original.
At Alice & Chains Jewelry we make sure clients have little leather pouches, organza bags and/or a box to keep our jewelry in. Follow-up blog with a local insurance agent on how to insure on your homeowners or renters policy coming soon!
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